I’m happy to share that I have moved all my websites to a new hosting company! I chose Hostgator for several reasons – mainly because I could actually reach someone on the phone. They’ve been great so far. Fingers crossed. And the other company that has ignored me for the last year? I’m now ignoring their (automated) requests for payment. I’m done with them forever!
In other developments: Now that WordPress is working correctly and there are no more “out of memory” errors, I’ll probably be posting more frequently, with more varied content. Dare I say, I may even start blogging again? I am certainly exploring the use of plugins (something that my old host’s server couldn’t accommodate very well), and have already added the WPtouch Mobile Plugin to make my site mobile device friendly. Expect to see more changes soon.
Oh, and ROLL TIDE!
Tags: blogging, hostgator, hosting, mobile, news, plugins, roll tide, website, wordpress, wptouch